Sunday, January 30, 2022

2022 Character Creation Challenge - Summary

It is finished.  31 PCs of various sorts, mostly wizards and their ilk.  The astute among my two regular readers will see that some of them (near the beginning and the end) did not fall on their actual dates, with the 25th being a particular victim of procrastination.

Lessons Learned

My favorite PCs to roll up are magic-users of the AD&D nature, at least partially because I enjoy rolling the random starter spells.  That said, the B/X Headgear chart is fun in a more general sense.

Magic cards and are an excellent source of art.  Even if I rarely play Magic anymore, it is still an influence on my game time - which is something I consider this blog.

This month solidifies my view that faster (shorter) character generation games are better than games with long ones, although familiarity with systems may leave me biased.  My plans to explore some other games (Chill!, Gangbusters, Dark Conspiracies, Ars Magica) were scuttled due to the time it takes to even craft a PC, let alone write up all the details on the character sheet. 

I have zero qualms regarding joke names or allusions to reality - in the end, the G in RPG is Game, a game for players in the real world.  The only simple methods I didn't use were my name spelled backwards or an anagram of my first and last names.

Dice-rolling apps are a godsend - for mass-PC production, at least. Discord's Avrae does Method I rolling even better than my dice app.  If you use Discord for your gaming, give Avrae a try and thank me later.  

If only for the insult generator (which reminds me of this insult generator).

Despite all of this technology making life better, I prefer the clatter of actual dice, though.

All things considered, I won't be participating in this challenge again.  The impetus to write every day was grand, but things fell apart near the end (at least partially because all my coworkers ended up with COVID, leaving me the sole person in the office), resulting in a rushed series of B/X PCs.  Not that there is anything wrong with such PCs or the B/X ruleset, mind you. Still, all this PC-making leaves me jonesing for a game, either as a player or DM.

So I reckon that after today, I'll be back to my more sporadic posting schedule.

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