Saturday, February 20, 2021

Recruiting for a game

This is the 'ad' for new players and a new campaign - once I can have guaranteed consistent free evenings, I'll email/text/FB message this to gamers I know, both in Alabama and Ohio.

Brave folk wanted, for hazardous exploration, small wages, terrible foes, long periods of complete darkness, constant danger.  Safe return doubtful, honor, recognition, and wealth in case of success. 


Seek Roscoe at the Green Dragon Inn.

Simple.  Elegant.  Lifted partially from a now-forgotten by me blog, it in turn a lifting from Shackelton of Antarctica exploration fame.

The game in question involves exploring the megadungeon near Skara Brae, tentatively called the Dungeon of Laughing Skulls.  Because reasons.

Ruleset is BX/OSE-ish with houserules.  

Lest detractors think a megadungeon is an excuse to kick in doors, kill things, and take their stuff ad nauseum, know that while to a degree that will happen, a good megadungeon is far more than that.  Exploration, factions, mysteries, the whole nine yards of role-playing.

Basically, I use this checklist from Goblin Punch as a guideline for designing levels and areas within those levels.  It lends itself towards games that are NOT merely combat slogs.

When the PCs/players tire of dungeoncrawling, Skara Brae exists in better shape than before.

The question remains will the game be in person or over Discord.  I'd prefer the former, but we shall see.  Ideally, I end up with two groups, one online in Ohio and a local in-person group here in Alabama.  Of course, they will be indirectly competing with one another and may not even learn of the other's existence until I mention it on the blog.

Then I hope they start impacting the others' games more directly, through play.  

Here's hoping for a sooner-than-later calendar freedom.


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