Wednesday, February 3, 2021

MtG: Sygg, River Cutthroat

 Sygg, River Cutthroat (Veteran of the Psychic Wars)

Another BU deck.  This might be my favorite color combination, despite my regular poor use of instants.

Sygg, River Cutthroat started as a comment at MTGSalvation, in a discussion about Commanders that slip under the radar.  That seemed a great idea at the time (and it still is), but I wanted to try something different, so it became a deck based on ensuring Sygg triggers.

Then I saw Neverending Torment and doubled down on using blue poorly by ensuring the only way the deck draws extra cards is through creatures dealing damage.  Not looting, but straight up drawing.  After all, once NT goes off, I can no longer cast spells, and 1 card per turn is painfully slow - even when not constrained by Epic.  I then sprinkled in more traditional instants for removal and ended up with a deck that wins more often than not, at least when my friends run it.

All of this to make sure that Neverending Torment turns ugly as fast as possible.  Counterspells are held to counter sweepers and EPIC prevention.  The dream play is to Twincast the Neverending Torment so it goes off twice per upkeep, but so far, no dice. Addiing additional forms of Twincast may help this plan.  Adding Twincast would also help, as the decklist tells me it isn't there... hmm...

I mentioned before that this deck is often run by my friends, and they do.  If I am at the table, someone plays Sygg at least once that day, if not several people taking turns.  The bizarre wincon and the card choices are why.

So, keep playing nontraditional decks.  They may not win often, but when they do, they make all the pain worth it.


Garruk said...

I usually just win by getting in for a bunch of unblocked damage. Never pulled off the torment.

Anonymous said...

That is a very possible option, as well.

While drawing ALL the cards.