Tuesday, March 8, 2022

End of Session

I need to write more, even if only in short amounts.

A generic WotC image I have seen all over the place.

So here is another small excerpt from my house rules, addressing what happens at the end of a session.

1. MVP - the players each nominate a different player for Most Valuable Player of the session.  It could be for a clever plan, a clutch die roll, stirring roleplaying, or even a joke that paused the game while everyone rolled with laughter.  DM breaks ties, via coin flip or opinion.  Winner of MVP for session gets 250xp for whichever PC they played.

This is to encourage everyone to participate beyond just rolling dice.

2. Plans for the next session - the players tell the DM what their PCs are doing on the following session.  If they aren't certain of a plan, I as DM will provide a (partial) list of currently dangling plot hooks.  The benefit of lots of hooks is that there is ALWAYS something to do.

This rule is to let me focus my planning, because I have limited time to do so, but want to provide a coherent experience for my players.

Plus, I am lazy.

3. Next session meeting - while a consistent weekly game is preferred, life interferes, so setting the date and time (and maybe location) of the next session needs to be nailed down.  If an in-person meeting is planned, snacks/food is discussed, as well.

That's it - wrapping up a session is fairly easy.

Post-session, the DM writes up the adventure log in the shared drive, mostly to provide a consistent listing of information that the PCs have learned.  

Preferably the evening or morning after the session.

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