Monday, May 9, 2022

Ironguard Keep: Session 13


Original Session - August 3, 2020 - 

PCs in attendance: Yelrah, Klayton, THE Svetlo, Albrecht

NPCs: Morgan Ironwolf, Ulster, Kirsten, Ori the Dwarf


The Group spent a few days relaxing at Ironguard Keep, before joining the Castellan for a by-invitation dinner.  In addition to the Castellan Herr Rottmeyer and his wife Frau Rottmeyer, the Keep Chaplain Alain de Blanc, the Lord Magus Antoine Lebrun, and the Captain of the Guard Jurgen Hoffmeister were also in attendance.  

(It is important to point out that during the predinner downtime, Klayton had his pseudodragon capture a squirrel, which Klayton promptly beheaded and sewed the Voodoo Head to.  The Voodoo Head thanked him and went off to do creepy things until called for.  Albrecht spent the time determining that his Acorn Cap attracts squirrels and may allow understanding of them.  Perhaps if he wears it longer…  Also, the Group hit up Mario’s for potions, and the dice god (named Avrae - clerics of Avrae might be a thing?) dictated potions of “fouling a body of water,” “smelling salts,” and “switching phobias” were purchased - thanks, d4 Caltrops d100 potions list!)

Brown Jenkin by Pawn Attack; how I picture SHST in my mind.  Story source for Brown Jenkin.

Over dinner, the Group learned a bit more of the history of the area, specifically that as the Three Chaos Temples grow in power, Law, logic and civilization crumble and fall away.  The Temples were last thrown down - at least temporarily - more than 50 years prior, but have seemingly been rebuilt.

During a question-and-answer session, the Group learned the further tidbits: if one Temple still stands, the others rebuild; holy water, fire, magic, and steel were used to tear down the Temples last time - those methods may yet serve again; the nearest Temple is past the abandoned Wizard Tower the Group had looted a few weeks prior; undead are a popular minion of the Chaos Cultists; Dragons have served the Cult in the past; and lastly, a guide will be provided the Group when they set out to destroy the Temples.

When the question of payment arose, Herr Rottmeyer explained that the Keep itself is cash-poor, but will provide resources for the endeavor.  The Chaplain immediately offered up numerous vials of Holy Water free of charge.  Furthermore, the Group was more-or-less told that they can keep whatever they loot from the Cultists and their minions. 

They parted ways for the evening, and while alone in the shadows, Klayton felt a hand upon his shoulder.  Turning around, he found himself face-to-face with Theodotus of Byzantium, still as pale-skinned and goateed as before.  Theodotus’s eyes flashed, and Klayton made his saving throw.  Theo laughed and promised he would be back, then disappeared into the shadows.  Klayton’s verbal response is unprintable, but his tasking to his familiar is not.  Klayton commanded the bizarre Shrunken-Head-Squirrel-Thing (SHST for short) to seek out Theo and find where he lairs.  SHST giggled and went off to do his master’s bidding.

In the morning, the Group set out and found an armored Dwarf waiting for them at the Gate.  He told them his name was Ori, and was the Keep’s promised guide.  The Group begrudgingly accepted his presence, despite grumbling about shares of treasure.  Upon further quizzing, it was learned that Ori, and his brothers Nori and Dori, are all nephews and apprentices of the Keep Weaponsmith, Snorri. 

Now eight in number, the Group set off for the nearest Chaos Temple.  The journey was uneventful until they arrived at the abandoned Wizard’s Tower.  At this point, the Group decided to detour in pursuit of picking up the rest of the loot, or at least the magic sword they’d left behind (the DM knew they had left other easier-to-obtain treasures, but that is their fault).  Jokes were made about encountering the Druid in zombie form, and through the door they went (a bit of unintentional foreshadowing, these jokes were).

Once inside, the Group were dismayed to see another band of looters - this one including Zombies (though not their dead friend).  A running battle commenced that (mostly) ended in the ground floor dining room.  In the end, 8 zombies were slain, as well as four Cultists and a pair of wights.  Other cultists escaped up the stairs and into the Chest of Many Stairs, it’s lid slamming shut as Yelrah entered the room behind them. 

Zombie Apocalypse by Peter Mohrbacher Wizards of the Coast

Highlights of the battle included lots of double-exploding damage dice (sadly, only for the PCs’ team) and Yelrah being commanded to drop his weapon, then doing so.  d30s were used for damage, but rolled miserably.  At the last moment, the DM read the Zombie description and saw Undead Fortitude, then handwaved things a bit to use it, resulting in all the Zombies rising back up for one last hurrah.  Tragically, all Zombies were slain - again - without dealing much damage.  So very, very sad.

Albrecht captured and interrogated a Cultist, learning several interesting things as the poor man (the Temple’s cook, it turns out) voided his bladder and bowels in utter terror of the “kindly acolyte of Skadi” and his sharp knife.  The most useful bit of information was that the Temple’s High Priest is named Master Oni Afio (courtesy of a babyname generator, set to African names - the DM grinned widely, because in Japan, Oni are something totally different - ah, emergent story).  The Group did NOT ask how many more Cultists there were.  

Rookie mistake.

The session ended with Yelrah exhausted and the group nearly out of spells, but with only surface injuries and most hit points.  They know at least two Cultists descended into the Chest of Many Stairs.  Whatever shall the Group do next?

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