Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Out with the Old, In with the New

Happy New Year, everyone!

To commemorate it, I'm trying a new method of goal-setting, inspired by this post at The Dododecahedron

While I had no specific goals for 2024 beyond game more (a wash) and spend less (I spent more), I feel that for 2025 I need to set some more specific goals.  Therefore, I present these:

1. Write at least three blog posts per month.  Today counts, so only 35 to go!

2. Publish a free adventure - I have several in varying stages of completion, tied to published posts, but this year I want to share examples.

3. Game more.  While I'd love to get more than 8 sessions of RPGs in, I suspect that this will be another year with more Magic than RPGs - it is far easier to squeeze in pick-up games of Magic.  Regardless, more gaming means more substantial topics to write about, even if they are only session logs and play reports.


All that said, it looks like I'll be taking classes this year, cutting back on available game time, but we shall see.

If nothing else, I can content myself with occasionally spending an hour or two at a local Game X Change store sifting through boxes of poorly sorted Magic cards in a never-ending quest to find treasures, or at least playables.   

I do this because I get a thrill when I pick up a dollar card for ten cents. Not that it matters, as I don't sell the cards and only rarely trade them away.  The endstate is that I hoard cards, but only the best cards, for a somewhat refined hoard.  

A cardboard hoard.

A cardhoard.

Dragons have hoards, and I have a hoard, so that makes me a dragon (but not like Eustace; as an aside, here is a great read about Eustace's un-dragoning).  

2025 is looking up already!

Rapacious Dragon by Johan Grenier - lovely art and somehow fitting.