Thursday, August 17, 2023

Green Dawn Mall

On a whim and solid sales pitch, I bought Green Dawn Mall from Indie Press Revolution.


Reading through the thin tome (88 pages of text and some interior character sheets), I am fascinated by how it captures all the strangeness of S.L. Grey's The Mall, the Backrooms, and SCP-3008 and jams it together in a playable format.

I'm even more excited that I may actually get to play Green Dawn Mall, as I have a teen at home with a gaming persuasion, and several friends of the same persuasion.

This isn't a play-test review, as that will hopefully come later, but a quick overview of what promises to be a fun series of one-shot games.

PCs are modern-day teens trapped in an everlasting '80s shopping mall, the titular Green Dawn Mall.  The various stores play into this, going so far as to state that The Magic Eye Store (pg 47) is the only place that 'PCs can hope to get a signal on their cell phones.  They cannot call out, but who knows 'what temporal anomalies can happen there...'

These PCs are there to find a lost Friend, who disappeared looking for something 'special.'

From there, random tables are used to determine stores, oddities of them, and then - perhaps - escape.

It gives off Gardens of Ynn and Stygian Library vibes, with the way they randomly determine what area is encountered next.  A depth-crawl, I think its called.

All-in-all, the potential for fun is a hoot. 

It ain't all that much, so if you've the funds, give it a buy.

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