Thursday, December 8, 2022

New Feature: YouTube channel links

Good morning!

I've added another feature to Thalian Musings.  If you are in web view, there is a new collection of links to the right of screen: a collection of YouTube Channels.

They are a mix of DnD, MtG, and one beverage-related channel that might be my own.  Many of these you might be familiar with, but if not, you should be.

There is also one link that isn't a video link, and that is Blogs on Tape.  It is a collection of audio recordings of a wide variety of OSR blogposts, mostly narrated by Nick Whelan of Papers and Pencils (a fine blog).  It's kinda like mini-podcasts, honestly.  

So like videos, but for ears only.

As such, these links are worth checking out (well, except maybe the beverage one), and watching.  Granted, if you're immersed in the gaming world, you are likely aware of many of these, but if not, you're in for a treat.

If there are any channels you feel I should add, or at least check out myself, please tell me in the comments.

Happy watching!

Keep Watch, art by Fred Rahmqvist, WotC

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