Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Monday MtG: Tatyova, Benthic Druid

Yes, it is Tuesday.  Apologies.

Tatyova, Benthic Druid

This card screams out 'play extra lands' and is in the colors to do so, so mote it be.  At 5 cmc, Tatyova is a better support card than actual Commander, but I am stubborn.

As a start for the deck, I began with the remains of my Patron of the Moon deck and started adding supplemental green cards, to include my beloved SquirrelCraft combo.  If I am not tutoring it up, it should be fine, right?  Should I lay hands on the recently printed legendary squirrel, though, Tatyova will need to find two new cards.

To be honest, given the low price of said squirrel, I will make at least one more purchase of cheap niche cards for my current and future decks and Commander collection as a whole.  Granted, the better and most versatile cards are often outside my price range, so will likely never be acquired except through packs (a terrible way to gain cards you actually want).

The deck itself kind of durdles along spamming lands until I play something that animates them all, then Throne of the God-Pharaoh wins (yes, MtG has taught me to spell pharaoh correctly without double-checking it).  This translates to 'dies to stupid combo.'  Many of my decks do this, mostly being on the receiving end of said stupid combo, though.  Such is life.

Throne is my kind of card, though.  It supports my tendencies to spam the field with creatures and to go all-in with them.  Then it hits all opponents.  All this for 2 cmc.  If you aren't running this in a token-heavy strategy deck (or something that turns all your lands or permanents into creatures) do consider it.

Despite the lovely color-pairing of UG (a favorite for powerful decks), this deck is just kind of unsatisfying for me.  It may be that I went to far with the theme of playing lands for their own sake, and didn't focus enough on actually winning.  This is an issue with many of my decks, but at least I can see it for what it is.  

Anyhow, the deck is on the way out, if not already disassembled.  It taught me a newfound respect for Arachnogenesis, though.  This is a fun card that actually plays nice with the Throne above.  While I'd like to claim credit for clever planning, the truth is I blundered into the synergy, but I won't complain.


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