Sunday, January 24, 2021

Third Time's the Charm!

 Hail and well met, fellow adventurers!

This makes the third, and hopefully final, start of Thalian Musings.  The first was December 2007.  The next 2011ish.  And number three is today.  This time around, the goal is just to write about gaming.

And by gaming, I mean Dungeons and Dragons, and sometimes, Magic the Gathering.  I play other games, and own several more, but D&D and MtG are what I am most likely to be playing, so what I am most likely to write about.  

There are other games in the house I enjoy or would enjoy playing: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy box set, GURPS proper, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Catalyst Games' Battletech box sets, Munchkin, Dungeon (the good old one), Carcassone, and when it ships, the new Twilight 2000 box set - I backed the kickstarter.  

This list doesn't even touch all the games I own as pdfs only.  Suffice it to say, it is way too many, but it all provides grand idea fodder for the games I may or do run.

Speaking of games I run, I am running a D&D 5e (ish - I love houserules and a homebrewish world) game on Thursday nights.  It started as a mashup between the venerable B2 and B5, with a healthy dose of blog and forum cullings, as well as the healthy pdf collection mentioned above.  We play on Discord and enjoy ourselves.  The players are former students from my days as a high school teacher, so I am the old man.  

We opted for 5e, because it is what they are most familiar with (and two run 5eish games of their own).  Before COVID, I ran an in-person B/Xish megadungeon for the current crew plus more. I think we had 12 people at its height.  Now it is me and 4 players - a good number.

In addition to B/X and 5e, I have enough books to run good old AD&D, as well, but so far, that hasn't happened.  So I mine the books for ideas.

Beyond that Thursday night 5e game, a friend has a standing MtG Commander game every Saturday that I attend once or twice a quarter.  I sold most of my cards off, and even with what I have, the joy of deckbuilding and sifting through cards quickly becomes a chore.

tl;dr - I'm back, hopefully for good, and hopefully focused on gaming.  

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